Cincinnati, OH

Stone and Masonry Restoration and Waterproofing – Historic Brick Repair, Standard Brick Replacement or Repair, Limestone Repair, Tuck Pointing, Sealant Replacement, Chemical Restoration Cleaning

We love the challenge of working on stone and masonry projects.  They are all unique restoration, repair, and waterproofing projects that our design team is well versed on.  Whether you have issues with Tuck Pointing, Stones that need repaired, Sealant that needs replaced, or cleaning the stone without destroying it, we can help!  We look forward to presenting you with creative and cost-effective solutions to your structure’s problems.

st peters in chains sealant replacement

Because of their massive size and impressive appearance, stone and masonry structures often seem indestructible. However, these buildings and structures face threat of deterioration from forces such as age, water intrusion, freeze-thaw cycle, biological growth and neglected maintenance.

Deterioration takes the form of cracks, crumbling, spalling, leaking buildings, delamination, efflorescence, tripping and safety hazards as well as loss of beauty of the building or structure. The most effective way to prevent these types of deterioration is through timely repairs and preventative maintenance.

Restoration Services for Stone, Historic Brick, and Masonry Buildings / Structures:

Historic Landmarks

Historic Stone Restoration

List of Services for Historic Landmarks:

* Stone Repair/Replacement                         * Cleaning, Consolidation Treatments and Sealing

* Joint Repair and Matching                          * Veneer Removal, Waterproofing and Replacement

* Large Stone Work                                        * Stone and Masonry Structural Stabilization

* Deterioration Analysis and Recommendations

Stone Buildings

Limestone Facade Restoration

List of Services for Stone Buildings:

* Granite Veneer Repair / Replacement         * Wall Capstone Resetting/Repair

* Limestone facade restoration                      * Granite Repair/Replacement

* Marble Repair/Replacement                       * Sandstone Repair/Replacement

* Caulking/Sealants                                        * Water Repellents and Natural Stone Treatments

* Chimney Restoration                                    * Stone Dutchmans

Historic Brick Buildings

Historic Brick Restoration, Brick Replacement, Brick Repair, and Tuckpointing

List of Services for Historic Brick Building:

* Granite Veneer Repair / Replacement        * Wall Capstone Resetting/Repair

* Limestone facade restoration                     * Granite Repair/Replacement

* Marble Repair/Replacement                       * Sandstone Repair/Replacement

* Caulking/Sealants                                        * Water Repellents and Natural Stone Treatments

* Chimney Facade Restoration                        * Stone Dutchmans

We love working on historic structures.  They are a work of art and craftsmanship rarely seen in construction today.  We have taken historic facades that have needed literally miles and miles of tuck pointing, lots of brick replacement, and needing massive chemical cleaning, back to the beauty they were intended to represent.  It brings us great joy to take the dirty, neglected, nearly ruined and restore it to live again.  Give us a call today for an on site visit!  We are here to help!